Friday, November 12, 2010

Totally Egregious and Unnecessary Sports Post

Yes, I am blogging at 9:30 pm on a Friday night. I am blogging because my condominium is in a state of renovation disrepair. I do not have a functioning shower. My bathrooms do not have doors on their hinges. I bathe, and brush my teeth, in my kitchen sink. My home is, as the expression goes, a hot mess. All of this is why I have turned to writing to pass the time.

I have also, for the first time ever, turned to Twitter for some light recreation, specifically in the form of this particular Tweet, which owns the world for the funniest Tweet ever. Just like last night, I'll be smiling for the remainder of the evening thanks to Paul Pierce.


  1. Random and equally unnecessary -- I love Paul Pierce & the Celtics!

  2. I'm only good at random and unnecessary. That was a great post from the grad student madness blog.

  3. Does Professor Fisher = "Rufus?"

  4. I can't stand Paul Pierce!!! Ughhh. Lakers all the way! We're going to have a threepeat this year and it's going to be awesome. No hard feelings, though!

  5. My boyfriend is a Lakers fan. I am not allowed to say anything.

  6. Celtics all day.

    I actually don't really care about basketball but my New England pride is always ready to kick in.

  7. I'm not Rufus, but I swear that I was almost drafted by the Celtics.

  8. Haha yea Liz! I'm actually a Magic fan as well. I have various team loyalties, more so based on specific players than actual teams, but watching the Celtics win the Championship game a couple years ago was truly inspiring.

    No way, almost drafted by the Celtics??? Seriously? Elaborate!!

  9. I'm really trying to be nice and conciliatory because I like you guys AND our class, but no more pro-Celtics sports posts or I might have to reconsider. I'm probably one of the biggest Lakers fans you will ever meet! Guess that's the territory that comes with being the daughter of a sportscaster, haha. But seriously...the Celtics winning the championship was the lamest thing that's happened in recent memory. Ok...I'm gonna stop typing now. Hahaha.

  10. Nobody's bashing the Lakers dude! I think Kobe's a great player. Can't we agree to disagree on this one? I wanna hear about Prof Fisher being almost drafted into the NBA!!

    Haha this is the best/most random thread so far
